Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The Theme and Concept

In this fusion work, I am trying to convey how a child's mentality may differ from that of a grown adult. Children are very naive and innocent. They tend to be curious in almost anything they see and have very fertile imagination. Upon looking at some interesting things, their imagination starts to run wild and they would fall into their own fantasy world. However, as one starts to grow older and more mature, he loses the fun side of him and tends to get very serious and narrow-minded. This happens due to the monotonous lifestyle an adult leads as he works for survival, and carries the heavy responsibilities in life.

There is a gradual transition from dull to bright as the adult leads the child on. A drawing on the wall can be dull and uninteresting to an adult but in the eyes of a child, it all comes alive and is full of wonders. The child is seen interacting with the creatures as he waves back to them and even the characters are curious about the boy. The alphabet 'I' can be seen peeking from the corner of the wall.


紫星 / illuminus said...

wow ! the jelly was cute XD

the colour contrast is really well done which match the theme well and also, i love your theme. i agree with your idea that when we grow up , we loses the fun side of us and tends to get very serious and narrow-minded.

Also, the fusion part was also pretty well done. can obviously see your style in this picture yet can also sense masashi's style as well.

finally... lol i think i saw gaara on the wall

p/s: keep up the good work !!!

紫星 / illuminus said...
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